A Moodle 2 version of the Moodle Tool Guide

Moodle 2 tool guideMany of you will have used and maybe still use Joyce Seitzinger’s Moodle Tool Guide (@catspyjamasnz)  which she released nearly two years ago. As her blog mentions since then people have released twelve translations of the guide into Basque, Brazilian Portuguese, Catalan, Croatian, Dutch, French, German, Hebrew, Norwegian, Portuguese, Slovene and Spanish. There has also been some adaptations for specific institutions and also for colour blind users and other LMS like blackboard and Dokoes.  * All of these variations are linked from her blog.

A Moodle 2 version

So last year I had put together a Moodle 2 version which included the tools as they were now in Moodle 2. I had not released it, but as I have given it to some people in the meantime, I thought I better put it up so people can use it or comment on it, suggest changes and so on. Everyone will have their own take on what should be in it or not, and rightly so. This is probably just another start point for 2 – perhaps.

With so many resource types and activities in Moodle, I had put it onto two pages although am trying to work a version into one page, again this is something people will debate about!

So it is now added to SlideShare where you can download, but you can also download the PDF and the Powerpoint here

AMoodle2ToolGuideforTeachers (42690 downloads )
Moodle2ToolGuideforTeachers-v10 (16271 downloads )

There is also now a German version and Spanish version of the Moodle 2 Tool Guide.

Just one request, if you make a translated version, or a localised version, could you send a copy of the changed one to me for an archive. That would be great!

All feedback & corrections welcome.

For all details on the original version created by Joyce Seitzinger for Moodle 1.9 check out her website -> Moodle Tool Guide

For all Moodle 2 Tool Guide versions check


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29 Responses to A Moodle 2 version of the Moodle Tool Guide

  1. Tim Hunt says:

    I would argue with red for quiz and information transfer.

    A quiz with good feedback and carefully graded questions can be a great way to impart knowledge by getting students to actively engage with what they are learning about.

    The only example I can think of is terribly geeky: http://www.blueshoes.org/en/developer/syntax_exam/. You really would not want to read a static HTML page that takes you through all those edge-cases, but as a quiz, it is a great way to learn.

    The same sort of thing can work for learning vocabulary: http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=186766#p863145

    It can also be a good way to learn mathematics skills.

  2. ghenrick says:

    Very good point, although it was red in the original one, I do agree with you, and especially in self paced courses it can be great for information transfer. How do you get that across in the small box however? 🙂 Any suggestion on wording?

  3. Pingback: Weekly Bookmarks (3/18/12) « Experiencing E-Learning

  4. Pingback: Moodle 2 Moodle Tool Guide | Learn By Doing

  5. Gavin,
    Just saw the download link. Feel free to delete my earlier comment!

  6. Ron Pfeffer says:


    You did a really nice job on this! Any chance I can get the editable PowerPoint file to make changes, such as deleting the resources/activities we don’t yet enable?

    Thank you in advance,

    Ron Pfeffer
    Distance Learning Instructional Assistant
    Mitchell Community College
    Statesville, NC, USA

    • ghenrick says:

      Hi Ron,

      After a bit more feedback in coming two weeks, will then be releasing the updated version and powerpoint. It will be after the Ireland Moot (april 2-4) where I hope to get more feedback.

      If you can wait till then, that would be great.


  7. Pingback: Handige Moodle 2 gids | Moodlefacts.nl

  8. Pingback: Para os professores que insistem que a tecnologia ajuda. A Moodle 2 version of the Moodle Tool Guide | Turmanet.net

  9. Pingback: Moodle 2 Tool Guide (revision by @Ghenrick) | Moodle News

  10. alfredinho says:

    Hi Gavin.

    Nice work, this new moodle2 version is very usefull.

    Are you still going to publish the editable version? I’m looking forward to it because i’d love to transalte it into spanish and share it with everyone. If you’re ok with it, of course 🙂

  11. Pingback: Guía de Herramientas de Moodle adaptada a Moodle2 | alfredoruiz.net

  12. Pingback: Moodle 2 Tool Guide in Spanish | Some Random Thoughts

  13. Pingback: A Moodle 2 version of the Moodle Tool Guide | The eLearning Site

  14. Dave says:

    I’d like o transalte this to german, but I need the original in OpenDocument Format. Tried the pptx, but I loose to much layout. Could you try and save it as MSOffice97 ppt, so I can see if this will do? Would be great, thanks!

  15. Dave says:

    Hi Ghenrik, great to hear about a german version. If the author(s) is(are) reading this: I’d like to help with translation. And a ppt would be great, too. Thanks!

  16. Pingback: Czech version of the Moodle 2 Tool Guide | Some Random Thoughts

  17. Pingback: And then there were 14! #moodletoolguide » Cat's Pyjamas

  18. Pingback: Dutch version of the Moodle 2 Tool Guide | Some Random Thoughts

  19. Sunner says:

    Hi ghenrick,

    I’m making a Simplified Chinese version and have three questions about Information Transfer column.

    1. Chat says “…Risk of non-interaction.” I can’t understand what is the risk. Does it mean users keep silent in a chat session?
    2. Forum says “…High message volume?…” Why this is a question mark?
    3. Forum says “…Risk of losing info.” Does it means forums are usually reset between teaching cycles?

    Thank you for the great job!

  20. Pingback: A Simplified Chinese version of the Moodle 2 Tool Guide | Some Random Thoughts

  21. Teresa MacKinnon says:

    Gavin you kindly shared the template and now our TAlking Mahoodle has its own tool guide: http://www.slideshare.net/teresamac/moodle2-toolguideforteachers-v11tm
    thanks 🙂

  22. Pingback: Languages at Warwick- Moodle 2 Tool Guide | Some Random Thoughts

  23. Pingback: Moodle manuals and tutorials in English | Ajut Campus

  24. Pingback: A Moodle 2 version of the Moodle Tool Guide | Some Random Thoughts | @SK: Academics Sharing Knowledge

  25. Pingback: Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers | cyberlearning.ch

  26. Pingback: Infographics – for Moodlemoot Dublin 2013 Submissions | Some Random Thoughts

  27. Manon Silvant says:

    You can add the french version available here : http://mahara.ticfga.ca/view/artefact.php?artefact=1393&view=39

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