A while back I started work on a Moodle course for “How to create podcasts” with Audacity. Initially, it was a simple course, install, record, upload, and done, but I have been tinkering with it on and off, so started to restructure it properly.
The reason to choose audacity as the editor, is quite simple really. It is free, open source software and is available for Mac, Windows and Linux. So its pretty much available for educational and corporate usage. Its also quite easy to use, and once you get the hang of it, you really can get complex stuff done quite simply and quickly.
Of course there is a lot more to podcasts and their creation than just using audacity,so i have had to incorporate more of those elements into the course. One key area which is often overlooked is branding. This includes stuff like the naming of a podcast file, the ID3 tags, having a meta-data file for the cast (a summary of whats in it), and of course, the in-cast branding and context for the cast, which is the most overlooked side from my experience.
I hope to have something soon for preview, must spend some time on it this week. Not sure what I am doing once it is finished, have to give that some thought.