DSpace is 7 years old nearly from version 1. (8th november 2002)
1.6 approach was different than before, not only taking contributions and using a community survey to choose three features in 1.6
Back in May a survery was sent out, over 100 responses.
- Statistics
- Embargo
- Batch Metadata Editing
Feature leads were Mark Wood(Stats), Richard Rodgers, and Stuart Lewis(batch metadata)
Stats developed and donated by @mire.
- New framework for events which happen in DSpace, eg Item Read – stored in SOLR
- Can build tools to surface the data
- Basic out of the box implementation
Embargo done through framework
- Created by Richard Rodgers MIT and Larry Stone Harvard.
- Allows custom implementations
- Out of the box – single date and only embargoes bitstreams
Batch Metadata editing
- Stuart/Leonie/Vanessa @ University of Auckland (core/jspui)
- Kim Shephard (XMLUI)
- Export Metadata for items/collections/communities/site
- export metadata for search or browse
- can open in open office or excel
Use cases:
- Tidy up existing metadata
- Restructure metadata a lot
- find and replace globally
- Add new items (metadata only)
- Bulk moving items between collections
- Bulk map items into new collections
Jeffrey Trimble (YSU) has improved the documentation – weeding and feeding it.
OAI-PMH Harvesting
Have 2 choices of collections:
- regular collections or mirrors of external collections (harvesting them)
- base URL
- Option for files/no files
- Option for references to files
- Options for files
Authority control
- Allows you to tie input forms to authority controls
- can tie it to various authorities (Romeo Journal or publishers, or LoC name authority(SRU)
- Ajax auto-complete or search and pick.
- Extensible via plugins (examples and templates provided)
- Larry Stone – Harvard and Andrea from CILEA (jspui)
Misc DSpace improvements
- A service locator framework, come from DSpace 2.0 technology.
- Configurable Script launcher configurable via xml
- OpenSearch – Atom feed of search results – xml search output from Richard Rodgers(MIT)
- Security – new improvements from BYU (Kate and Kuai) – created after security audit.
- XMLUI file descriptions can be shown
- Handle Version 6.2
- Negative matching in IP auth
- Internal server emails now include details of the logged in user
- Lots of Sword improvements
- Option to use gmail as mail server
- OAI-DC Crosswalks more configurable
- Set Creative Commons jurisdiction
- Hide certain fields across different interfaces
Development Process
- Weekly development meetings
- More use of JIRA
- First part is to review new submitted issues
- So far 91 updates in 1.6
So when is 1.6?
- Feature freeze now.
- DSpace 1.6 0 test instances / test upgrades / scalability
- Identify issues and fix bugs and re-test
(Looking for people to do test upgrades, not something easily available)
Hopefully by Christmas – depending on help the sooner and better it will be.