Reasons to move to Moodle 2 – over to you

I  created the three presentations on “10 reasons to move to Moodle 2” to help answer the questions:

  • What are the differences between Moodle 1.9 and Moodle 2?
  • Why should I upgrade to Moodle 2?

Over the three presentations I have put forward 30 reasons for moving to Moodle 2. There are  others which could have been added in, such as command line admin feature or filters however I had to choose 30 for the presentations.

So what now?

Now it is over to you.

What are the reasons you feel are most compelling to move to Moodle 2?

Do you agree with the ones I have put forward, or have you others which you think are more important?

Please post your reasons below as a comment.

After 4 weeks I will collate the results.

If you havent caught all of the presentations here are the links:

10 reasons to move to Moodle 2

10 more reasons to move to Moodle 2

Another 10 reasons to move to Moodle 2

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9 Responses to Reasons to move to Moodle 2 – over to you

  1. GREAT POSTS and presentations, Gavin. In no particular order my favorite new features are:

    new text editor
    new myhome/mymoodle
    new themes


  2. Pingback: Top 30 reasons to move to Moodle 2 by @ghenrick | Moodle News

  3. Johannes says:

    Hello Gavin,

    My 10 favorites are

    1. New Themes Options
    2. MyHome, Student personal space
    3. Conditional Activities
    4. Activity Completion
    5. Repositories
    6. ePortfolios
    7. New Quiz engine
    8. Activity Cloning
    9. Moodle Mobile App
    10. Community Hubs

    I think in this list there is something realy good for all sorts of users.
    The luxery of beeing able to choose 10 out of many underlines the giant step Moodle has made foreward.

  4. Pingback: Waarom overstappen naar Moodle 2.0 |

  5. Conditional activities and the new quiz engine are the two features I’ve heard people most interested in. I have a client who will be able to save a huge amount of time with cloning activities too, so that is a top feature for that client.

  6. Pingback: Nominations open for the 2011 Edublogs Awards #eddies11: I nominate @ghenrick | Moodle News

  7. Pingback: Book Review: Moodle 2 E-Learning Course Development by William Rice | Some Random Thoughts

  8. Lamech says:

    Am managing this moodle site for learning purposes.
    1. I need to include a forum where student and teachers or even visitors can post their comments and question but i have never succeeded.
    2. I am running moodle 1.9 and i want to up grade to moodle 2. How can i do that?
    3. Is it possible i can have a slide show on the site, how can i do that?

    • ghenrick says:

      Hi Lamech,

      Best place for those questions are forums where you may even find that others have asked the same questions already and got answers, so be sure to search.

      That said, – an un-authenticated user (a guest, or as you say visitor) is very limited in what they can do on Moodle so you would need to have them register/log in – but there is a forum in Moodle where both students or teachers can start a thread/answer a thread – just add that activity.

      Upgrading from 1.9 to Moodle 2 – the url for that is or get a Moodle Service Provider to do it for you (which will cost). The complexity will depend on if you have heavily customised the code or not and if it is a large site or not.

      For a slide show the answer is through development – either building something like a scorm or a flash file which does it, or through making a plugin for moodle which handles it, or just finding an app which can integrate with Moodle that does it.

      Hope that helps!

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