Edublog Awards 2011 Nominations

The Edublog awards are upon us for this year, and I would like to nominate some very worthy blogs that I enjoy reading. I would love to have nominated quite a few for individual blog, but had to choose one, some of them you may recognise from the Moodle area!

Best individual blog  – Cat’s Pyjamas by Joyce Seitzinger
Joyce has contributed a range of excellent blog posts on best practice in course creation and other areas of learning. A must read.

Best individual tweeter – Nancy Rubin!/nancyrubin
If you could choose just one twitter account to follow to keep up to date, I would follow Nancy Rubin who contributes and retweets all the key stories around learning and development.

Best ed tech / resource sharing blog  – Moodlenews
There is a lot of excellent coverage over many areas of Moodle and learning on the blog.

Best twitter hashtag #lrnchat
The weekly discussions and sharing that happens in this chat is really amazing.

Best teacher blog  – Human by Tomaz Lasic
Tomaz provides a great insight into humanity, teaching and learning through his posts on many aspects of his craft.

Nominations are open until December 2nd so go ahead and nominate your favourite blogs, there are lots of categories to choose from!


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One Response to Edublog Awards 2011 Nominations

  1. aww thanks, Gavin! You beat me to it: I wrote a post yesterday (that posted this morning) nominating YOU and especially your 30 reasons post series.

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