Just in time for the holidays, Martin Dougiamas (@moodler on twitter) announced that the latest version of the official My Moodle mobile app for iOS has been submitted to the Apple App Store and is awaiting approval.
@Moodler: “My Moodle 1.1 (with Course Contents feature when used with Moodle 2.2) is now submitted to App store – awaiting Apple’s thumbs up.” – Twitter
The new version includes a very useful feature for those taking a Moodle course – Course Contents.
You will need to upgrade to Moodle 2.2 to use this new feature.
So what does it do?
Well, this is the new interface with the extra Contents option.
Well, choosing the content options – just like the participants options it can provide a list of your courses.
Once you select one you get an overview of the course sections. Some of the options are grayed out because you cannot do anything through the app with them currently.
However,beside some of the resources there are Download icons. This means that you are able to select that item for download so that you can view it offline.
Once you have downloaded the item the Down Arrow icon changes to the navigate icon.
This is really quite useful feature and for me it worked for range of content including:
- html files
- text files
- pdf documents
- word document
- images
- mp3s
Well done Moodle HQ!
Do keep a look out for the new version coming to an iOS Device near you once it is approved!
This is really great news – coleague using it on ipod to upload video helpsheets to great effect. Just needing it for the android market please…..
If people needed another reason to upgrade to Moodle 2.2, once this is approved by the App Store, they have a very good one.