Developer Profile – Joseph Rézeau

This is part of a blog series of short profiles on plugin developers within the Moodle community. Today it is Joseph Rézeau.

Name: Joseph Rézeau
Source Code:

Tell us something about yourself

I am a retired English teacher and researcher. I taught English at secondary school level and at university for the last 15 years of my career.  I’ve been interested in using computers for teaching languages since 1983. At university, we used WebCT and then Moodle.

When did you first start programming?

I wrote my very first programs on a Commodore 64, in Basic. Language learning and games.

When did you first encounter Moodle?

When I was a senior lecturer at my university, and Moodle replaced WebCT.

What did you use Moodle for?

I used to use Moodle for my online language courses, of course. Now I do some programming as a hobby.

What was your first Moodle plugin? Why did you write it?

My first Moodle plugin was the REGEXP question type. I wrote it because Moodle was missing (and still is, to this day) a shortanswer question type with student’s answer analysis based on regular expressions.

What is your latest Moodle plugin & why did you write it?

I think my latest Moodle plugin was the Export Glossary to Quiz Block..

What would you say to someone who is considering writing a Moodle plugin?

Have a good look at how similar existing core plugins work.

Final Thoughts

When programing for Moodle (as, I expect, for any Open Source project) you can always rely on the help of the community. That is great!

Some Plugins

This is a list of the plugins that Joseph has contributed to that are currently (Jan 2012) in the Moodle plugins database. To view all these in the Plugin database check this page

Export Glossary to Quiz
A block to export a Glossary’s entries to the Quiz Questions bank.
Lesson Essay Feedback
The Lesson essay feedback block will display (to the students only) their previous attempts at Lesson Essays (if any), together with the teacher’s comments and their grade (if essays have been graded).
Questionnaire This enables a user create a custom Survey. Read the review
RegExp Adaptive mode with Help
This plugin is one of the 2 question behaviours to be used exclusively with the regexp question type.
RegExp Adaptive mode with Help (No penalties)
This plugin is one of the 2 question behaviours to be used exclusively with the regexp question type.
Regular expression short answer
This question type (for the Moodle quiz module) aims at a more advanced system of student’s response analysis, through the use of regular expresssions.
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One Response to Developer Profile – Joseph Rézeau

  1. Pingback: Persoonlijkheidstest in Moodle - uitbreiding Questionnaire plugin «

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