Ireland and UK Moodlemoot 2012 – IMS LTI Demo

Last week at the Ireland and UK Moodlemoot 2012, I did a short presentation on IMS LTI.

I have blogged before about IMS LTI; what it is; how Moodle could use it; and how a custom Module enabled Moodle act as a LTI provider tool.

So for more background I suggest you have a read of those posts:

To recap the key points:

Before explaining LTI, What is IMS?

The IMS Global Learning Consortium (IMS GLC) is a global, nonprofit, member organization that strives to enable the growth and impact of learning technology in the education and corporate learning sectors worldwide.

The IMS name originates from the initial name of the organisation which was a bit specific – Instructional Management Systems.  Glad it changed to IMS 🙂

What is LTI ?

IMS is developing Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) to allow remote tools and content to be integrated into a Learning Management System (LMS).

So basically it is a set of standard integration methods that enable two systems talk to each other in a common language/protocol.

So with that out-of-the-way, here is the presentation I gave last week (or at least a recording of what I demoed)-

Feel free to post any questions & comments below.

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5 Responses to Ireland and UK Moodlemoot 2012 – IMS LTI Demo

  1. Thanks for showing how easily WebPA can be connected to a VLE in your demonstration. Here are a few more resources which anyone interested in discovering more about LTI might find useful.

    With LTI 1.1 (or using the unofficial extensions to LTI 1.0/Basic LTI) it is also possible to have grades passed back to the VLE (a more complete illustration of how WebPA uses LTI can be found on the ceLTIc project blog at

    LTI also allows users from multiple courses and/or VLEs to collaborate together in the same space within an external application. This has been implemented in a set of PHP classes for LTI and used by WebPA (and other applications) as illustrated in the screencast at

    The JISC-funded ceLTIc project also produced a poster which illustrates the benefits of LTI to the different parties involved in developing, deploying and using learning applications:

    A list of products which have passed the LTI conformance tests can be found on the IMS website at

  2. Janina Dewitz says:

    Thanks for posting this, Gavin. It’s useful to show others how powerful LTI is.

    The one thing I am still having trouble with is configuration and settings, and I cannot seem to find comprehensive instructions or tutorials. In your video you show, for example, a connection to WordPress. How do I set this up so that WP (or another Moodle) recognises our demo 2.2 Moodle user’s login credentials?

    I feel like I am one puzzle piece short of getting this thing to work.

    Thanks in advance.

  3. ghenrick says:

    Hi Janina,

    The WordPress integration I got to work was this :

    The Moodle-Moodle connection uses the plugin.

    Both have the details to set them up.



  4. Pingback: LTI presentation from the #MootIEUK12 | Moodle News

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