Two short videos on the new Moodle Assignment Activity for Moodle 2.3

I saw that the new Assignment Activity code was in the development stream today, so I installed it on my test site to play.

I like it! It is super cool.

So here I have added two short vidcasts of the assignments settings and one of an example from teacher and student point of view.

Hope you find them useful.

Assignment Settings

Assignment Example

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13 Responses to Two short videos on the new Moodle Assignment Activity for Moodle 2.3

  1. Mary says:

    Excellent and really helpful thanks- looking forward to this. (And this time you beat me to it 🙂 🙂 )

  2. ghenrick says:

    Hi Mary,

    Thanks for your comments.

    Yes, I was ready to review this as was something I beeen waiting for, so GIT PULL and all was good!


  3. Glenn says:

    Hmm. Seems to make things more like Blackboard. One of the selling points I use with Moodle is that its content really is activity based: you have an idea as a teacher of what you want to achieve pedagogically and Moodle points you to a specific tool to help you accomplish that. Of course no tool can account for all pedagogical needs, but Moodle’s choices up to now have generally been good. Here, though, you’re forced to go through a series of choices to hopefully end up with the activity you want.

  4. looks good Gavin 🙂

  5. Damyon says:

    Hi Gavin,

    Thanks for posting this video – it is a good way for people to see this new module early.

    Regards, Damyon

  6. Pingback: @ghenrick showcases the NEW Assignment module in Moodle 2.3 | Moodle News

  7. Ben Reynolds says:

    Just following Mary and everybody else to say thanks. I’m not as hmmmy as Glenn, but that’s because I understand how to get the Advanced Uploading Assignment out of the new setup.

    BTW, Glenn, I say something similar to teachers. Decide what you want to do before you look at the available tools.

  8. Pingback: Moodle Blog » How students can drag and drop in Moodle 2.3 | Using Moodle in Primary and Secondary Education – a Personal Experience

  9. PerHL says:

    Great work – it looks very handy.

    Could it be possibly fore groups to use this activity as well as individuals?
    If one in the group uploaded the assignment and the rest of the group members could see this upload and the teachers feedback.

    This function is very wanted by the students and teachers at my school here in Denmark.

  10. CLAIRE says:

    Thanks once again for the brilliant video. I cannot wait to Q&A this. Moodle is definitely head of the game and I love the way students get more power.

    It is a shame the tutors could not be more enthusiastic.
    Thanks once again.

  11. Jeremy says:


    Can you try something for me in 2.3? Create an off-line type of assignment. Enable feedback and enable quick grading.
    Give a score and add something to the feedback box.

    Can the students see the feedback you left in their grader reports?


  12. Wynn Gillan says:

    Nice information but I found the music distracting and made it difficult to hear your instructions.

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