Upcoming Moots in July and August

In July and August there are some really great MoodleMoots ready to tempt your attendance!

Moodlemoot Australia, July 1-4
This held in the Gold Coast Queensland. The conference theme is ‘Riding the Wave’ and they have an impressive speaker list including: Martin Dougiamas, Thomas Cochrane, Cath Dwyer and Ann Chesterman.

Register at  www.moodlemoot.org.au

Midwest MoodleMoot 2012, July 25-27
This Moot is held in Goshen, Indiana and is an informal gathering to connect and collaborate with others. The keynote is being given by Stuart Mealor of HRD and www.FreeMoodle.org

Further information: http://midwestmoot.com

US West Coast MoodleMoot, July 31-Aug 4
The Moot is being held in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles and looks to have a great schedule with a number of panel discussions on topics like  “what to do about the Moodle Gradebook”, “Quality Online learning and Teaching: A faculty Demonstration” and “Choosing and Migrating to Moodle – Making Sound Decisions & Wise Transitions”.

For the full schedule check out http://www.moot-us.com/home/full-schedule/

Wisconsin MoodleMoot, Aug 6-8
This is the second year the Moot has been held in Wisconsin, and is hosted by Sun Prairie Area School District. There are some interesting presentations lined up and two that caught my eye was “I hate Gradebooks” and “Top 20 Ways to Use Moodle for Professional Development”.

For more info check http://www.wimoodlemoot.org/

MoodleMoot Romania 2012, Aug 20-26
This looks like a cool Moot which is being held at Castel Macea, Judetul Arad. There is a super video of what I hope is the venue, it looks amazing and inspires me for the Feb moot! Here is the video link

For more info check out http://www.moodle.ro/mod/resource/view.php?id=727


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One Response to Upcoming Moots in July and August

  1. I am wondering how in the advance upload mode, I can retrieve student papers, grade them, and then re-upload for each student. Is there a handbook available for 2.3? Our shells were upgraded with out notification or training. I am only having a problem with the re-upload. Please advise.
    Thank you

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