Some Twitter stats from Moodle Research Conference Hashtag

The data used for the below stats were extracted for the time between Mon, 10 Sep 2012 07:45:47 and Mon, 17 Sep 2012 15:51:31 for the hashtag #mrc12

During this time there was a total of 675 tweets (which includes retweets) broken down as:

  • Retweets: 244 (110 contained URLs)
  • Tweets: 431 (155 contained URLs)

These were the top re-tweeted tweets

  • @ghenrick: For those not @ #mrc12 – Summary of Martins Keynote -> #moodle #edtech
  • @howtomoodle: Moodle training should not be about features alone but about the application of them. #mrc12 #moodler #moodle
  • @mcbuchner: New word of the day from #mrc12: iPadagogy


The top urls tweeted were in order:

117 people tweeted during this period and are listed below in alphabetical order. (Not all these physically attended the conference): – I am building a twitter list with these later!

@acastrillejo @ainhoaeus @alisonpope
@andisciacca @andromisnati @anitsirk17
@babelium @basbrands @berthelemy
@bryanwaddington @bubble3303 @bunhill
@carlescv @carlgomb @Carolinacabocla
@carolshergold @catspyjamasnz @chrisschembrib
@ciaran_walsh @CityMoodle @cmt1
@davilera @dianadell @digitalmaverick
@DimitrisTzouris @domaho @drchuck
@drjaneholland @Eixarch @elurnet
@eng_shadi_akil @EnovationIRE @etutoria
@euskaljakintza @fboss @fjbotti
@funck @ghenrick @glynnmark
@Gradina @granludo @helderenwijzer
@hinthornt @howtomoodle @iarenaza
@iMetka @inkoperurena @j_iglar
@JALTConference @james_ulcc @JanetChurchward
@Jeffersoninst @jfilip @joanieg1205
@joanikay @jorbe @jordipujol
@JPSan_Diego @juanan @jurylady5
@kateycoleman @klindzic @laiajoana
@lasic @lbuus @leona_norris
@lupa18 @m_glas @m_yam
@m00bellis @mADtivity @Maperez324
@markmelia @marynabadenhors @mattjenner
@mcbuchner @metzy @mikechurchward
@Moodle_UK @moodlefairy @moodleman
@MoodleMcKean @moodler @MoodleResearch
@mscalero @mudlica @munduariso
@my_rena @neilgmcpherson @NetSpot
@pablo_javier @pageman @paigecuffe
@pedrorenan @physiart @PingSFO
@rhodct @Rook_AK @rossmackenzie
@RSCLondon @salvetore @SDCMoodle
@SharonMonie @softmodeling @stuartlamour
@susir @tabitharoder @terrabase
@TESOLacademic @the_griegous @tom_murdock
@ToniSoto_Vigo @UCL_ELE @UWS_CAPD
@varugalde @vrodes @wagjuer


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