Win a copy of Mahara ePortfolios: Beginnners Guide

As I have just done the review, readers of the blog have a chance to win a copy of the book Mahara ePortfolios Beginners Guide eBook by Richard Hand, Derrin Kent and Thomas W Bell thanks to Packt Publishing.

So, how to get your hands on a copy? Well, that is going to be easy but require a bit of typing and some luck.

Anyone who comments on this post before November 30th with a suggestion of how someone can use an ePortfolio (Mahara or something else) in academic or professional situation will go into a draw for the 3 books!

Examples which include Moodle will go into the draw twice! 🙂

So go ahead and add a comment and good luck!

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7 Responses to Win a copy of Mahara ePortfolios: Beginnners Guide

  1. I’d love to be able to use Mahara with out distance learning students. We deliver courses online and they have to submit a portfolio at the end of each semester. It would be so great if they could just send the work from their moodle pages to Mahara and then let the lecturer look at that..

  2. I would use Mahara to supplement our intranet Moodle to assist with teacher training. One of our courses goes for 16 weeks and participants have to put together a paper-based portfolio as part of their assessment. ePortfolios would help us with collecting and arranging digital sources and activities, as well as assess and share the results with key stakeholders.

  3. Danny Wahl says:

    Well, I’m not a teacher, I’m just the admin for our mahoodle but it seems that you could use the student workflow (create work -> export to portfolio -> collate to demonstrate mastery) just as easily with faculty (create work -> export to portfolio -> collate to demonstrate professional development)

  4. Alfieri says:

    I would like to use Mahara ni adult formation, like à professionnal portfolio. Thé employee of thé société havé to follow les son on thé year. Mahara Will be the solution to initiate thé sharing of employées production. It Will be à Wayne to disco ver what.s happent on the others projects And services. À other with Will be to be abble to synchronise Mahara with linkedin.


    Olivier alfieri

  5. Jim Judges says:

    Ask students to construct an individual “poster” in the form of a Mahara page. Then ask them to share the URL in a Moodle 😉 forum and ask for peer feedback, comments, and suggested improvements. If you’re feeling brave you could even manage the forum permissions and allow the role of student to rate each others posts.

  6. Linda Pospíšilová says:

    Students are provided with and ESP course in Moodle – the course is topic based and designed by the English teachers. The students may be assigned to pick a topic and make a Mahara Page on the topic of their choice. Further on this Page can be presented and commented on.

  7. Rod Willott says:

    I’ve been looking at Mahara to create personal learning spaces for our students on Moodle courses. I think it’s important to present a student with a customised learning experience not just enrol them on a course. Mahara can be used to point them in the right direction, which tutorials to study, appropriate background reading and provide an easy to understand customised study schedule. It’s nice to see the level of integration with Moodle increasing.

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