Moodle 2 Tool Guide -> DCU version

As you may remember I released a Moodle 2 version of Moodle Tool Guide which was created by Joyce Seitzinger (@catspyjamasnz).

Now Mark Glynn of the Learning Innovation Unit at DCU has adapted it for Dublin City University.

Moodle 2 Tool Guide - DCU Version (2842 downloads ) Moodle 2 Tool Guide - DCU Version - PPT (2704 downloads )

The other available versions of the Moodle 2 Tool Guide are:

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2 Responses to Moodle 2 Tool Guide -> DCU version

  1. Mark Pearson says:

    Did you deliberately leave out Discussion Forum and Quiz? What was the thinking behind omitting these but including Database? Just intrigued.

  2. ghenrick says:

    HI Mark,

    If you check the version I did it covered them.

    This DCU one was created by Mark Glynn for new things to focus on I believe.

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