Moodle for Motivation Toolguide

motivationguideAs you may remember I released a Moodle 2 version of Moodle Tool Guide which was created by Joyce Seitzinger (@catspyjamasnz). Well,  Natalie Denmeade (@moodlemuse) has taken the Toolguide and made a very useful version for Gamification.  As she explained the Gamification Toolguide is designed to map Moodle activities to different player types and provide tips on how Moodle can be configured to use gamification elements.

For those who attended the excellent gamification presentation by @Moodlemuse “Gamification in Moodle- more than just badges” they will have seen it, but for those who didn’t get to it here is the file:

Moodle for Motivation Toolguide (24761 downloads )

Natalie has also started a Moodle for Motivation LinkedIn group to share resources, ideas and examples. For those interested – Join it here

For all details on the original version created by Joyce Seitzinger for Moodle 1.9 check out her website -> Moodle Tool Guide

For all Moodle 2 Tool Guide versions check


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6 Responses to Moodle for Motivation Toolguide

  1. Tim Hunt says:

    I have to disagree with your classification of Quiz as bad for Explorers. A quiz may be linear as a set of web pages, but we are talking about education. The key thing is not the sequence of web pages you visit in your browser, but the sequence of ideas you visit in your brain. And a good set of quiz questions, perhaps relating to a subject that the students have not yet read about, could be a great way to send people’s thoughts and brains exploring in all sorts new directions.

  2. This was a very thought provoking comment Tim. Multiple choice type quizzes are such a staple part of both eLearning and paper based assessment methods. The plugins provided by Open University on certainly provide a whole lot more flexibility to use quizzes in different ways.

    I passed the specific question about Bartle’s Explorer types and quizzes to some people in the gamification/gamer network and they agree that although a typical multiple choice quiz might not be the first preference, quizzes can be configured to appeal to the Explorer type. The following scenarios are examples:

    Scenario 1:
    The quiz is used early in the process as a self-assessment tool to identify areas of interest or knowledge gaps. The Moodle lesson activity is ideal for this as the response to the quiz can direct further learning.

    Scenario 2:
    If the quiz is used at the end of a learning process you could create a narrative to place the explorer in a position of expert. For example: “A tourist is lost and asks you for information about this city – if you can answer the questions successfully you will become a ‘City Ambassador’. Providing the status of expert as a reward would motivate the explorer type.

    I have been collecting opinions about Bartle Player Types and Assessment Preference through an online survey here: (If anyone would like to answer three questions you will then be able to see responses from others) There are not enough respondents to make this a viable study yet, but the initial surprising result is that quizzes are more popular than expected. So I have updated the Moodle for Motivation tool guide to reflect this. As not every ‘type’ responds to surveys this can’t be taken as a final result, but currently Essays and Journals stand out as as the least motivating assessment methods across all types.

  3. Pingback: #demooc webinar 5: Gamification with Moodle | The #australiaseries Blog

  4. Rodrigo Hamuy Aquino says:

    Great article. Is there a list of plugins/configurations for every use/technology mentioned by Natalie Denmeade? It will be nice for quick setups.

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