Moodle Research Conference – Submissions deadline 17th June

**update**  The submission deadline has been extended until July 1st. **

For those planning to head to Tunisia in October for the Moodle Research Conference , you have just one day left to make a submission as Submissions close on Monday 17th of June.

The Moodle Research Conference that is taking place on the 4th and 5th October 2013, in Sousse, Tunisia being organised by Italian Moodle Partner MediaTouch 2000 srl with the support of Moodle HQ and the CoSyLlab research group from the University of Piraeus.

Full details on the Call for Papers and details on submissions and registration – check out the conference site

They are also planning to host some research workshops after the Moodle Research Conference this year which sounds very interesting – so keep an eye on their site for more details.

Of course if you are heading to the Moodle Research Conference, you should consider heading a few days early to attending the Mediterranean MoodleMoot. This Moodlemoot is taking place on the two days before the Research Conference in the same venue (2nd, 3rd October 2013). It is possible to get a combined ticket for attending both – with full details available on the MedMoot site.

So if you have no plans for the first week of October, you still have time to plan!



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