Review of the Bigbluebutton LTI integration with Moodle

Recently I did a presentation on Virtual Classroom options available for Moodle. One of the things that came up in the discussions during the session was the need to have the ability to integrate seamlessly between to the systems – preferably with IMS LTI.

I have done a few posts and videos on IMS LTI (Learning Tool Interoperability) [1][2] and how this can be used to integrate learning tools with Moodle. So once I saw the Bigbluebutton had released their beta with the LTI integration available I had to try it.

I have done a short screen cast to demonstrate the setting up and use of the connection.

As you will see it works as you would expect:

  1. a teacher creates the activity with the LTI connection details
  2. they click on the link and it launches the BBB framed by the Moodle site
  3. they are automatically logged in and granted presenter rights
  4. the student can click on the link course page and be logged in and able to interact with the teacher.

It is great to see another tool become LTI enabled, which will make things much easier for teachers to leverage the diversity of learning tools in Moodle without having to install extra custom integration. I also see that the BBB LTI integration is IMS certified which means that it has been tested to meet the standard which is good news too.

For more details on Bigbluebutton be sure to check out the site

[1] Moodle as the central hub of learning with tools plugged in –learning tool interoperability

[2] Moodle and IMS LTI

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