Medmoot extends early registration until Monday 9th September

medmootlogoI just noticed an update from one of the organisers of the upcoming Mediterranean Moodlemoot being held in Tunisia.

As in EU, in the Mediterranean region and in many other countries August is the holiday month, we received a number of requests for extending the Early Bird deadline, so we decided to extend the Early bird registration for the Mediterranean MoodleMoot up to Monday, September, 9th, 2013.

The same extension will also be available for the Moodle Research Conference, which will be held on the same venue just after the Mediterranean MoodleMoot, a great opportunity to attend both events.

The Mediterranean MoodleMoot site will be updated accordingly to reflect the new dates, in the mean time you can register to the Mediterranean MoodleMoot conference using the Early Bird rate! – Andrea Bicciolo

So if you have not booked your trip yet to Tunisia for the Medmoot and the Moodle Research Conference in October, there is still time to do so with the Early bird rate.

MedMoot Preliminary Agenda

The preliminary programme looks really good with a range of plenaries, and parallel sessions and workshops.  For more info check the full agenda.


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