Moodlemoot Edinburgh 2014 – Call for Proposals

The call for proposals is now open for the Moodlemoot Edinburgh 2014 being held at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange on April 14-16, 2014.

The Edinburgh Corn Exchange - Moodlemoot Edinburgh 2014

The Edinburgh Corn Exchange – Moodlemoot Edinburgh 2014

This year the main theme of the Moodlemoot is the student experience. There will be three strands:

  1. Active Learning
  2. Assessment and Evaluation
  3. Wider Support and Admin

The Moodlemoot Committee are now inviting proposals for presentations and posters! For more details on the different presentation formats click here

The call for proposals closes on October 31st, 2013.

Conference Schedule

The schedule for the two central days (April 15th and 16th) of the Moodlemoot will be designed to cater for a number of proposal types these include:

  • Pecha Kucha ( 6 mins 40 seconds)
  • Short Presentations (15 minutes)
  • Long Presentations (25 Minutes)
  • Poster

There will be a number of training and workshops sessions for the 1st day of the Moot (April 14th) – these are being organised centrally and the full list will be announced in coming month or so before full registration begins.

On April 17th there will also be a developer focused hackfest.

If you have any ideas you may wish to contribute please email

How to Submit

To submit your proposal, you have fill out the online proposal form @

The steps for submission are quite straight forward.

You will be first asked to register – which is just three simple steps

  1. Fill in your email
  2. Fill in your first name and surname
  3. Click Create Account, then click continue.

Now you can move into the submission process

To start Click on Submit a Paper

  • Step 1. Type in the Title and Abstract – Click Done
  • Step 2. Fill in the authors page including affiliation/organisation – Click Done
  • Step 3. Select the Topics for the Submission – Click Done
  • Step 4. Select which submission format you are submitting the abstract for – Click Done

If you need to edit any details you can then Click on EDIT

And that’s that, you can submit more than one proposal if you wish.

Be sure to check out the different formats of presentations before you submit your idea.

See you in Edinburgh next April.

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One Response to Moodlemoot Edinburgh 2014 – Call for Proposals

  1. Rhona Sharpe says:

    This looks like it would be of interest to ELESIG members. You can promote it on our site if you like at

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