MedMoot to begin tomorrow

The next 5 days are looking to be quite engaging starting with tomorrow when the Mediterranean Moodle Moot begins. The programme is pack full of presentations over the two days.

I will be delivering a number of presentations at the Moot starting off with a session on Open Badges which will be co-presented with Megan Cole, Community Strategy Lead for the Mozilla Foundation (who is presenting remotely).  Open Badges do seem to be the hot topic of the moment, so it will be interesting to see what the current stats are globally and also what the views of the attendees are on the implementation side of  Badges.

After lunch I will be presenting on a process to use in Reviewing Add-ons for your Moodle installation, and will be giving the participants a challenge to do a review / evaluation of some plugins during the session.

On Thursday I have a morning presentation on Gamification, and specifically how to use it to improve learner engagement in a course.

My last session at the MedMoot is a workshop on the database activity, uses, configuring and all that jazz!

I am looking forward to meeting everyone and getting their views and vision on badges and gamification especially as they seem to be some of the most popular topics at present.

Lets hope it is not too hot!

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One Response to MedMoot to begin tomorrow

  1. Chad says:

    Holy busy batman. I hope you have some time to rest or attend a session in the marathon. 🙂

    All facinating topics, would love to see the slides especially regarding gamification.


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