Moodlemoot Edinburgh 2014 – Updates

Early bird Registration

Moodlemoot Edinburgh has extended the early bird registration until the middle of January (Jan 17th 2014). This means you still have another month to get the early bird pricing.


They also announced the Pre-Conference Workshops which take on the Monday 14th of April, so have a read of them below and see if anything peeks your interest.

The Pre-Conference Workshop List is broken into different strands:

  • Badge / Gamification Strand
  • Moodle Quiz Strand
  • Moodle Developer Strand
  • Teaching with Moodle Strand
  • Extending Moodle for teaching Strand

Registered users will be added to the Moodle site for the Moot where they will be able to select which workshops they want to attend. They will also be able to select their session preference when the full programme is announced closer to the date.

Badge / Gamification Strand

Open Badges Strategy  (1/2 day)
Facilitator: Carla Casilli, Director (Badge System Design + Implementation, Mozilla Foundation) and Grainne Hamilton (Advisor: e-Assessment, Jisc RSC Scotland)

Open Badges are digital credentials that earners can display anywhere on the web. They are underpinned by an open accreditation infrastructure developed by Mozilla, which enables the issuing of Open Badges to recognise achievement and attributes that may not be picked up in formal qualifications.

The Designing Open Badge Systems workshop will focus on effective Open Badge system development, introducing Mozilla and Jisc tools to support badge system design and  a strategic approach to implementing Open Badges in a formal education context.

In the first session, we explore the Open Badges Infrastructure developed by Mozilla and consider the rationale for issuing Open Badges

Session 1 (1.5 hours) – Open Badges 101

  • What are Open Badges?
  • How are they being used?
  • Why issue Open Badges? What do you want to issue badges for?
  • Issuing badges in Moodle – what do you need to consider?

Session 2 (1.5 hours) – Designing Open Badges systems to use in Moodle

  • Explore Open Badge system design tools
  • Develop the value proposition of an Open Badge and behaviours you want to encourage
  • Create the criteria and consider evidence for an Open Badge
  • Consider related badges
  • Consider badge brand

Practical Gamification of Moodle Courses (1/2 day)
Facilitator: Gavin Henrick(Learning Technology Services) , 2nd to be confirmed

This workshop will look gamification and the various techniques that are available to Moodle course developers to gamify their course. Participants will be taken through the range of techniques

Session 1 (1.5 hours) – Gamification 101

  • What is Gamification?
  • How is it used?
  • Why use Gamification in E-learning?
  • Examples of Moodle with Gamification
  • An example Moodle course

Session 2 (1.5 hours) – Applying Gamification to Moodle

  • The Moodle Gamification Toolkit
  • Techniques you can use in Moodle by default
  • Plugins that help gamification
  • What next?

Moodle Quiz strand

Creating high-quality computer-marked assessment in Moodle (full day)
Facilitator: Tim Hunt, Open University, 2nd to be confirmed

Morning Sessions

In the morning, we explore what can be done with the features that are available in the standard Moodle package.

Session 1 (1.5 hours) – Creating a quiz

  • * What do we mean by high-quality assessment?
  • * How much can be automatically marked by computer?
  • * Take “An interactive tour of the Moodle Quiz”
  • * Create your first quiz

Session 2 (1.5 hours) – Creating questions – standard Moodle types

  • * What make a good question?
  • * Create a Multiple choice question
  • * Create a Short-answer question
  • * Create a numerical question
  • * Update your quiz

Afternoon Sessions

In the afternoon, we explore the possibilities opened up by the Open University’s question type add-ons.

Session 3 (1.5 hours) – Creating drag-and-drop questions

  • * Authenticity in assessment: what other question types do we need?
  • * Creating different types of drag-and-drop questions.

Session 4 (1.5 hours) – Advanced question types

Each participant may choose one of

  • – Creating pattern-match questions to automatically grade sentences.
  • – Creating variable numeric questions to grade numbers and units.
  • – Creating STACK questions, to assess mathematics.

Moodle 2 development Strand

Developing Moodle features ( full day)
Facilitator: Howard Miller (Lead Developer, E-Learn Design), Derick Turner(Director, E-Learn Design)

** Each session builds upon the previous session. Continued attendance at all sessions is preferred. **

This workshop is aimed at developers who already have done some minor Moodle changes and who understand how to set up the Moodle environment for testing. It will take attendees through developing a number of enhancements to Moodle. We will be working on Moodle 2.6 and participants will require their own development environment on their local machine or somewhere that they control remotely.

Morning Sessions

  • Session 1 – Basic “hello world” type report creating plugin structures and default requirements and linking into the Moodle menus.
  • Session 2 – Creation of the library functions which the report will use to obtain and process the data

Afternoon Sessions

  • Session 3 – Form creation to handle sorting and searching which is then used to drive the gathering of data.
  • Session 4 – Outputting the data onto the screen and handling output to various file formats for downloading.

At the end of the session the finished code will be made available.

Teaching with Moodle Strand

Moodle Masterclass for teachers ( full day)
Facilitator: Deneka  MacDonald (Director/Lead Instructional Designer, E-Learn Design),

A closer look at Book, Glossary, Lesson and Creative Formative Assessment

*** The first 2 sessions are distinct sessions with clear objectives for each. Sessions 3 and 4 build upon one another and attendance at both is required/recommended. **

Morning Sessions

  • Session 1: Book: Explore creative ways to use the Book Module in Moodle to add value to your courses.
  • Session 2: Glossary: Explore various ways in which the Glossary Module can add value to your courses.

Afternoon Sessions

  • Session 3: Lessons: Bring along your content to this introductory session and begin to plan your advanced path based Lesson for your students.
  • Session 4: Lessons: Building upon the previous session, we will continue to explore path based lessons, adding question clusters as well as illustrating how multi-media and formative learning can enhance the user experience. Users will leave with a practical finished Lesson at the end.

Extending Moodle for Teaching Strand

Morning Workshop
Moodle Add-ons – the building blocks of Moodle. (1/2 day)
Facilitator: Gavin Henrick (Learning Technology Services), Michael de Raadt (Development Manager, Moodle HQ)

This workshop is for course creators and administrators although developers will be let in too!

Now there are literally hundreds of plugins available for the Moodle admin to include in their installation should they need to do so. This workshop will provide an overview of community and commercial add-ons for Moodle and it will look at installing plugins, testing plugins, managing plugins and also upgrading plugins.

  • Participants will be brought through installing and testing many different types of plugins.
  • Participants will then be grouped and asked to address governance, responsibility and management of plugins in an organisation.
  • Participants groups will be given various tasks to complete related to researching plugins, testing them against a defined set of criteria.
  • Participants will be challenged to come up with some requirements for new plugins that support pedagogy rather than an administrative function.
  • Participants will co-create some content on the topic.

Afternoon Session
IMS LTI – Extending Moodle for teaching (1/2 day)
Facilitator:Simon Booth (University of Stirling), Stephen Vickers (IMS Global)

This half day workshop will provide you with hands-on experience of how Moodle can be extended using external LTI (Learning Tools Interoperability) tools. Even if you think you know all about LTI, we hope there will be something new for you to learn. For example, in the past year there have been proposed extensions for embedding content items, discoverable LTI services, accessing data for learning analytics. So, come along and find out more.

The topics we could cover are:

  • What LTI is and what benefits it can provide for teaching
  • How to use the core functionality available within Moodle to configure and enable LTI tools
  • How to find tools which support LTI
  • What to consider when evaluating LTI Tools
  • The latest releases of LTI (1.2 and 2.0)
  • The current roadmap for LTI
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