3rd Moodle Research Conference – Deadline for submission of papers and demonstration proposals extended until Monday 14th April

Good news for those who have been snowed under the last few weeks and would have missed the deadline for submissions, we now have another two weeks to get that submission drafted.

What is the Moodle Research Conference?

The Moodle Research Conference (MRC) is an annual international event dedicated to research and development (R&D) in learning and teaching carried out with Moodle. The MRC provides an opportunity for researchers, faculty/teachers, technologists, and other experts who either conduct research on the impact of using Moodle on student learning or develop tools increasing capacity to conduct research on Moodle use. Attendees share experiences and exchange research achievements and innovative developments. The aim of the conference is not to promote Moodle, but to bring together the community using Moodle to provide evidence about learning.

I attended the first two research conferences and the content was clearly quite different to the Moodlemoots. I produced a report on the 2nd Moodle Conference which is available on research.moodle.net. The focus of the MRC provides another insight into the use of Moodle in learning in addition to the excellent practitioner based presentations at the Moots.

Location & Dates

The timing of the conference is great this year! It is being held on 19-20 June 2014. After two years in the Med, this year the conference has moved to be USA based – in California State University Chancellor’s Office (Long Beach, California, USA).

Topics for submissions

The range of topics for reporting original unpublished research and recent developments is quite diverse and they suggest the following areas could be touched on although do not restrict the submissions to this list:

  • Experimental research involving methods and tools
  • Case studies on the effectiveness of teaching methods
  • Collaborative learning / social learning
  • Communities of practice
  • Learning analytics
  • Early warning systems
  • Plugins / modules / blocks increasing research capabilities
  • Personalisation and adaptivity
  • Massive Open Online Courses
  • Interoperability with Moodle
  • Accessibility
  • Mobile learning

So if you have been undertaking some research, you now still have time to get that submission in.

Types of submissions

They have three types of submission options for the MRC –  so to quote

Full papers

Paper length: up to 8 pages (including figures and references).
Will be presented individually in full sessions during conference..

Poster papers

Paper length: up to 1000 words in length.
Will be presented in a group poster session.


Proposal length: 250 word abstract describing the demonstration.
Will be presented individually in short sessions during conference.

For more details

For the full details on the conference and call for proposals, check out the MRC site -> http://research.moodle.net/


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