Presentation on Moodle 2.7 – some of the improvements since moodle 2.6

With most in northern hemisphere doing upgrades this summer, I recently did a presentation of Moodle 2.7.

Here are the slides:

Among a number of changes, Moodle 2.7 is the first LTS release (Long Term Support) of Moodle where it will be supported by HQ through patches and security releases for 3 years. This LTS release is a great long term option for those who just need a stable unchanging platform and don’t need to access the new features and options that come every 6 months.

Other Popular Presentations:

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One Response to Presentation on Moodle 2.7 – some of the improvements since moodle 2.6

  1. Pingback: Presentation: Moodle 2.7 – Improvements since 2.6 by @ghenrick | Moodle News

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