Upcoming Moodlemoots in September and October 2015

There are some Moodlemoots coming up in the next two months around the globe.

Moodle Moots are always a good place for sharing good practice in teaching, course design, administration and development.


MoodleMoot Italia 2015, Genoa, Italy – Sept 9-11
URL: http://www.moodlemoot-italia.it/

6th International Slovenian MoodleMoot 2015, Koper, Slovenia –  Sept 18
URL: http://www.moodle.si/moodle/course/view.php?id=27


MoodleMoot Peru, Lima, Peru – Oct 15 y 16
URL: https://mootpe15.moodlemoot.org/

Moodleposium 2015, Canberra, Australia – Oct 8-9
URL: http://moodleposium.net.au/

Canada Moodle Moot, Montréal, Canada – Oct 21-23
URL: http://moodlemoot.ca/

MoodleMoot Spain, Mallorca, Spain – Oct 22-24
URL: http://2015.moodlemoot.net/


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One Response to Upcoming Moodlemoots in September and October 2015

  1. Joseph Thibault says:

    looks like the date for Peru Moot is incorrect (should be the 15th & 16th)

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