Moodle Working Group at UK/Ireland Moodlemoot in Dublin

There is going to be a Moodle Working Group full day session on the Monday of the Moodlemoot in Dublin on May 11th.

Working groups will bring together end-users who are interested in working together to make Moodle better. A working group is not the same as a workshop. Working groups actively involve experienced Moodle users who have an interest in improving Moodle for the community. Working groups should generally have no more than 10 participants to allow each member to contribute. There are likely to be one or two working groups at the Moodlemoot.

Earlier I interviewed Michael de Raadt about the Working Groups..

If you want to be involved you can volunteer?

Do you have an idea for a working group? Would you like to be a working group leader? Contact Michael at to suggest a topic.

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Moodlemoot Scandinavia 2015 – Learning Analytics Song

So today we had a sing-a-long before the learning analytics keynote,  we sang as a teacher talking to the student who had dis-engaged from the course totally – Think Abba -Fernando.

Can you access the course Fernando
I remember you had trouble with your username and pass.
In the course forums Fernando
You can ask me for help, or help others with their tasks
I can’t see activity or logins on our moodle site tonight..

There was nothing in the Moodle logs, or Progress Bar, Fernando
It is there for everyone to see, you failed that quiz, fernando
But you haven’t logged on since, Where are you now?
If i had to run the course once more,
would you try again, Fernando

You are failing now Fernando.
We always have a ninety five per cent completion rate
You are the five per cent Fernando
The course statistics tell me that you could have made the grade
But to pass the course you need to log in more than once or twice a week and stay

There was nothing in the Moodle logs, or Progress Bar, Fernando
It is there for everyone to see, you failed that quiz, fernando
But you haven’t logged on since, Where are you now?
If i had to run the course once more,  would you try again, Fernando

The course is over now Fernando
It is many many weeks now since you logged into the course…
You abandoned us, Fernando
You left all of our messages and emails unreplied..
We even tracked your wifi to the campus bar and nightclub every night…

– There is a video so I will link sometime when I get it.

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UK Ireland Moodlemoot Submission Deadline Extended to March 6th

The deadline for submission of proposals has been extended until Friday 6th March.

So if you are looking to submit a proposal on any of the different types of presentation, you have now got some more time!

The presentations will be split into two streams – Moodle in Education for academic institution focused presentations and Moodle in the Workplace for training, and organisational focused presentations.

We are looking for proposals on a number of proposal types:

  • Pecha Kucha
  • Short Presentations
  • Posters

For full details on these please check the presentation submissions page

If you have not yet submitted an application, the details for submitting a proposal are here or email the details to

For some examples on Pecha Kucha please check my blog post

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UK Ireland Moodlemoot 2015 Update

Ticket Registration

Online and invoice based registration are now open for the UK/Ireland Moodlemoot. To access the registration area, you will need to log in and enrol yourself into the 2015 Registration course.

For details on registration options check the main site

Note: As the Moodlemoot site is a centrally hosted one by Moodle HQ, you will need to log into the site using single sign on.


Accommodation is booked and paid for separately – see this page for more information.

Call for Proposals Extended

The deadline for submission of proposals has been extended until Friday 6th March. For more details on the formats and submitting a proposal please check the proposal submission course area on the Moot site.


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Bootstrap and Moodle – Gradebook tweak!

Bootstrap themes have been available for Moodle for a while now, and a small issue was there that I had not seen before  – until a lecturer wondered why they could not see grades in the gradebook that should have been there.

As it is that time of year that many are dealing with end of semester grades, I thought I should pass along the solution for you if you have not known about it.

** Please note that this may not effect your site depending on the version of Moodle and if you are using a Bootstrap theme.

The issue is this:

When a teacher hides a grade from students it got a class=’hidden’ applied. Themes before bootstrap ignored it as they did not have a style for it. However bootstrap base, and therefore themes like Clean etc did have a style of it namely:


So instead of showing grey-ed out, or showing normally,  the hidden grades vanished on the interface for the teacher as in the screenshots below.

Grade Entry before being hidden - teacher can see

Grade Entry before being hidden – teacher can see the student grade for Assignment 1


Grade Entry hidden - teacher cannot see

Grade Entry hidden – teacher cannot see the grade and table a bit messed up.


Grade Entry hidden with CSS fix - teacher can see it again

Grade Entry hidden with CSS fix – teacher can see it again and table looks okay.

This was fixed last september 2014 in Moodle releases through the tracker entry  –  by applying a different style ‘dimmed_text’ to the different places that currently had the style of ‘hidden’.

So remember you may or may not have an issue depending on your version.

As these were a set of core changes and if you are on a version pre-Sept 2014, you would need to applying those changes to your own core install or upgrade to a newer version to do the class change/

However if you want to have your teachers see the grades in the grader report that they have set to hidden from students and you are using a bootstrap theme – you can just add the following CSS as either custom CSS if your theme allows it, or adding it to the theme css.

.path-grade .hidden {
color: #999;

It is easy to check if your current theme has the issue:

  1. Create a test course
  2. Create an assignment
  3. Add some test users
  4. Give them grades
  5. Go to the gradebook and turn editing on
  6. Hide the grade for the activity in the gradebook
  7. Turn editing off

If you as a teacher/admin can view the grades for the users in the grader report when the Editing is turned off, then you have no issue to solve

If you cannot, then you should be able to easily apply the fix in the custom CSS part of your theme.


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Moodle released 2.7.3, 2.6.6 and 2.5.9 this week

For those who follow the bi-monthly updates of Moodle the new updates were released this week. These updates cover three major versions – 2.7, 2.6 and 2.5.

Although it can take some planning, it is important to consider upgrading at least to the minor releases to be sure you have the latest bug fixes and security fixes applied.


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