To build on the information provided in the blog and module reviews, we are compiling a suite of publications on some important areas of the elearning eco-system.
Whatever the topic, you are sure to find a lot of information spread around in Moodle forums, Moodle Docs, various blogs, twitter accounts, Slideshare, Youtube videos and in the numerous books written on Moodle, so what we are doing is bringing key aspects of the information together in hopefully easy to follow white-papers and presentations.
- A Moodle 2 Tool Guide – NEW! ( A Moodle 2 version of the popular Moodle Tool Guide by Joyce Seitzinger (@catspyjamasnz) )
- Criteria for evaluating Moodle plugins– NEW! ( The document is basically something that one could use to assess the risk related to implementing the plugin. )
- A look at Moodle 2 Repositories ( A look into some the repositories solutions available for Moodle 2, their features and the type of integration functionality )
- A look at Themes for Moodle 2 ( This paper takes a look at the default themes that come with Moodle 2 and at a selection of themes which have been contributed to the community. )
Some recent Slideshare presentations
- Moodle global landscape – presented at the New Zealand Moodlemoot 2011
- Repositories – the road less travelled – presented at the New Zealand Moodlemoot 2011
- Using Moodle for product and internal training – presented at the Canadian Moodlemoot 2011
- The steps for implementing Moodle in an organisation moodle for business – presented at Imoot2011
- Talking about all things open source – presented at the Canadian Moodlemoot 2011
- More Slideshare presentations
Reasons to Move to Moodle from Moodle 1.9
- 10 reasons to move to Moodle 2
- 10 More reasons to move to Moodle 2
- Another 10 reasons to move to Moodle 2
YouTube Videos